Manchester Utd Corporate Experience

Minimum Bid : £850.00
Starting Bid : £200

Reserve met

Leader Board

# Name Bid Price
1 998KR373L1 £800.00
2 1Q788389RT £750.00
3 2R795ZT660 £550.00
4 998KR373L1 £500.00
5 41RV75425L £450.00

Corporate Experience for 3.

Join Urban Splash chairman Tom Bloxham MBE at a Manchester United home game at Old Trafford in a corporate suite (for three persons)

He has 4 excellent seats in the south (Sir Bobby Charlton) stand executive club, Trafford Suite. On half way line above directors box. 

Also a trip to and from Old Trafford by barge included. We will do best to accommodate your match of choice.

Kindly donated by Tom Bloxhom

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